Pet of the Month - Winston
Pet of the Month. Have a look and see if you can see what cheeky Winston has eaten in his x-rays......

Physiotherapy for Pets
You’ve joined the COVID fitness bandwagon as a good reason to leave the house whilst in a lockdown but have over extended yourself and...

Arthritis Management Options
Degenerative joint disease (DJD) or (osteo)arthritis is a general term for chronic joint inflammation and pain. It can be caused by many...

Brushing your pets teeth
Does your pet have smelly breath? A bit of prevention can go a long way towards keeping your pet’s teeth healthy.

Pet-friendly indoor plants
Here at Brudine we love our indoor plants but there are a few things to be mindful of when mixing pets and plants.

Why do we perform cytology & histopathology on lumps and bumps?
Occasionally us Veterinarians might be able to give a strong indication of whether a lump is something to worry about and what it might...

Amazing Facts about our Furry Feline Friends
Did you know that cats purr by vibrating the muscles of their voice-box (larynx) at a frequency of 25 to 150 times per second!

Why are dental X-rays important for my pet?
Have you ever wondered why we do dental x-rays? Here at Brudine Vet Hospital we use this vital tool almost every day. Click here...

Fabulous Pheremones
Kitty's can scratch and claw and while this is normal and natural it can be quite destructive if it's on the side of your new lounge

Kitty Got Claws!
Kneading, treading, happy paws, call it what you will. Most of us will have seen our feline friends rhythmically pushing with their paws and