Specialist Referrals
Over the past decade or so, we have seen an increasing number of specialist services become available in Canberra. There are now medical and surgical specialists available who regularly visit Canberra clinics, including ophthalmologists, cardiologists and dermatologists from Sydney.
At Brudine, we have established good working relationships with these specialists, so if needed we can make a phone call to take advantage of their particular knowledge in unusual or uncommon cases. For more difficult problems we may refer you to a specialist who has earned our trust and confidence in order to give your pet optimal treatment and care.
Specialists are independent practitioners and we have no say about their fees. So it's a good idea to ask about charges when you call them to make an appointment.
Our sense of responsibility doesn't end just because you've taken your pet to a specialist. If you find yourself faced with difficult decisions regarding the recommended treatment, please don't hesitate to ring us. We'll be happy to help you evaluate your options.