Desexing Pocket-Pets
Speying and castrating our dogs and cats has become the norm for many families. And for good reason. There are significant health and behaviour benefits to be had. But did you know desexing can be just as important in our small and squeaky pets?!
Female rabbits run a very high risk of developing a range of very nasty uterine and ovary abnormalities as they age. From endometriosis-like changes to cancers of the uterus, these disease are painful and can be life threatening. Unless you wish to breed your female rabbit she is much better off as a neutered rabbit!
Speaking of breeding, rabbits breed like.....well.....rabbits! Desexing your female rabbit will prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Castrated male rabbits are much less likely to spray urine around as a territory marking behavior, cannot contribute to unwanted pregnancies and are protected against testicular cancer. They too have a lot to gain from castration.

Female rats tragically suffer from an incredibly high rate of mammary cancer. Very large lumps and bumps develop and they can be difficult to treat. Desexing your female rat while young can have up to a 98% protective effect. Thats right, 98%! In rats there is the option of a very minimally invasive chemical desexing implant that can be placed while you wait. Quick, safe and simple, this provides excellent protection against mammary cancer, one of the leading cause for euthanasia in older pet rats!
Chemical or surgical desexing of male rats also offers considerable benefits: reproductive control, reduction in urine marking and a reduction in buck grease to name a few.
Female guinea pigs can commonly develop cystic ovaries. There are different types of cysts that can develop ranging from hormonally active ones through to very large and painful cysts that press on the other abdominal organs. They are also at risk of developing endometriosis-like changes in the uterus. Desexing in guinea pigs is now done by removing the ovaries only. This is a quicker, less invasive and thus safer technique that gives a great result for the little piggling.
Castration is important in male guinea pigs. Apart from reproduction control, castration will protect against the development of fecal impaction in the older male guinea pig. This unpleasant condition involves poo and secretions becoming impacted in the folds around the anus and requires regular cleaning. Not pleasant for guinea pig or owner!
As you can see desexing your small pet can offer some significant benefits. Please come in and discuss what's best for your pet with us. We are passionate about giving your small and squeaky friend the best possible health care.